Waveform Collapse / Behind The System
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Ever since I can remember, I’ve been inspired by and fascinated with astrophysics, technology, quantum theory, science, and how mathematics is the language that can describe our reality. My artwork explores the delicate balance between systems of chaos and structures of order. How simple shapes, when mixed with the patterns of noise can reveal new visual songs I wouldn’t have expected.
Waveform Collapse is a generative art collection, inspired by the Quantum Mechanics concept that the universe collapses into reality by our act of observing (minting) it.
Quantum mechanics (physics) is a realm of science that explores the understanding of our universe at the subatomic scale. At this scale behaviors of particles behave in unfamiliar ways, not the least of which, are seemingly affected by the act of observation. This is, in part, where I drew my inspiration for the Waveform Collapse series.
The art in this collection is generated using a semiautonomous system that uses the collector's unique transaction Hash after they mint an NFT. Every transaction - like an observation - collapses the waveform system into a unique artwork.
I’ve created an interlinked complex generative system, built using After Effects, expressions, and javascript with five connected files, and multiple procedural noise patterns, with the capability to use the variables that come from the Hash numbers to generate each piece of unique art.
• Below I will be breaking down how and why the system was built and the variety of outputs it is capable of.
Waveform Collapse #1
The Noise:
The main bases of this project are noise fields. Lots of them in many varieties all procedural and set to random evolutions over time. I find the idea of noise systems mimicking nature's inherent chaos and our calling as an artist to make beautiful things that pay respect to it.
These noise patterns are used to create texture, displacement, curves, and order in Waveform Collapse.
Block Noise
The Lines and Color:
The line components of Waveform Collapse were created using an Ai image I generated and pulling out the color pallet. I stretched and separated each color into lines each on their separate layer.
I took those layers set them to 3d, forced them into a centered 1 point perspective, and set up a wide-angle 3d camera to randomly zoom, rotate, and play within the ever-changing lines. This created a beautiful variety of colors & patterns to build upon. The collection's original name was “Hyper Space”.
Color Lines
Color Lines 3D space
The Paper Texture:
The paper texture came later in the creative process. Once I started getting results that I was excited about from the system, the one thing that kept bothering me was its inherent digital look. Even though it was producing beautiful results they felt cold and lifeless. That’s when I started playing with overlaying paper textures over the work. Immediately I knew this was right but in keeping with the concept I create the paper texture from patterns of noise. 9 patterns of overlaying noise, each set to randomly evolve. An Infinite texture of the paper as my canvas.
w/o Paper Texture
Paper Texture
with Paper Texture
The Metadata variables are controlled by the Hash numbers. How they drive the visuals and how they connect to the overall concept of Waveform Collapse’s theme of Quantum Mechanics wave-particle duality.
The act of measurement “observation” is where the waveform starts to collapse into reality. Since this system is built using AE, time is the first variable to be measured. Time drives many components in this system so every frame is a unique starting point, on a scale of 0 - 673 frames. I broke this down into 3 attributes representing parts of life’s story.
• Beginning = 0 - 224
• Middle = 225 - 448
• End = 449 - 673
Waveform Collapse #126 : Observation: Beginning
Waveform Collapse #052 : Observation: Middle
Waveform Collapse #121 : Observation: End
At the moment before measurement, the system is in a state of superposition. Everywhere and nowhere all at once. I used this concept to determine the scale control of the system from the cellular to the quantum scale. 0 - 999
• Cellular = 0 - 199
• Molecular = 200 - 399
• Atomic = 400 - 599
• Subatomic = 600 - 799
• Quantum = 800 - 999
Waveform Collapse #147 : Superposition: Cellular
Waveform Collapse #007 : Superposition: Molecular
Waveform Collapse #227 : Superposition: Atomic
Waveform Collapse #195 : Superposition: Subatomic
Waveform Collapse #153 : Superposition: Quantum
System Displacement:
The composite system is where all the noise interference patterns unite, except the paper texture. Displacement at this level effects the entire system. Limited to 0 - 450
• Byte = 0 - 112
• Kilobyte = 113 - 225
• Megabyte = 226 - 337
• Gigabyte = 338 - 450
Waveform Collapse #177 : System displacement: Byte
Waveform Collapse #081 : System displacement: Kilobyte
Waveform Collapse #160 : System displacement: Megabyte
Waveform Collapse #160 : System displacement: Gigabyte
Block Entanglement:
Entanglement is a phenomenon about how shared particles can be linked and act in unison with each other no matter the distance. Block Entanglement are the large blocks of noise that are entangled with the line patterns, separating them from their main placement yet still connected to where they are no matter block distortion. Limited to 0 - 350
• Low = 0 - 87
• Mediam = 88 - 174
• High = 175 - 262
• Super High = 263 - 350
Waveform Collapse #216 : Block entanglement: Low
Waveform Collapse #167 : Block entanglement: Mediam
Waveform Collapse #096 : Block entanglement: High
Waveform Collapse #216 : Block entanglement: Super High
Wave Disturbance:
Inherent in a wave is that it maintains its form unless disturbed by an interacting force. This creates interference patterns that dissipate and cascade through the system. The wave disturbance is isolated only to the line patterns on the lowest level of the system. Limited to 0 - 650
• Little = 0 - 130
• Slight = 131 - 260
• Moderate = 261 - 520
• Vigorous = 521 - 650
Waveform Collapse #141 : Wave disturbance: Little
Waveform Collapse #105 : Wave disturbance: Slight
Waveform Collapse #060 : Wave disturbance: Moderate
Waveform Collapse #218 : Wave disturbance: Heavy
Waveform Collapse #102 : Wave disturbance: Vigorous
Probability Model:
Quantum theory questions whether the universe is Deterministic or Indeterministic. Are our choices made based exclusively on past events, cause, and effect? Or do we have free will and have a say in our choices in the universe? Crypto is deterministic and your transaction is determined by the block, wallet, interaction, and a bunch of other information that can be traced back to its cause. But you choose to mint and that act made this all possible.
I represented these 2 choices as normal or inverted. With a 20% probability of Indeterministic (inverted), which also force the spectrum choice to be monochromatic ( which we will cover next)
• Indeterministic x >2
• Deterministic x <= 2-9
Waveform Collapse #019 : Probability Model: Deterministic
Waveform Collapse #015 : Probability Model: Indeterministic
This attribute is actually 2 attributes calculated as 1. Since there was an 80% probability of the “Probability Model” returning Deterministic, I still wanted there to be a probability for the color to come out monochromatic. So there was a Spectrum choice with a 20% probability of monochromatic, if not then it was full color.
So the second Spectrum attribute is for color choices of the monochromatic palette I choose that I felt worked best with the project.
There are 9 colors plus a B&W so a 10% chance each color would be chosen when either the Probability Model chooses Indeterministic or the Spectrum choice was >2.
• Spectrum - Choice if x <2 (Monochromatic) else x >=2 (Full Color)
• Spectrum - Monochromatic x = 0 - 9
0 = B&W ((Schrödinger) BW + Indeterministic))
1 = Chanticleer
2 = Indocile
3 = Nuclear
4 = Tropicana
5 = Observatory
6 = Regal
7 = Meteorite
8 = Seance
9 = Barossa
At first, these all had no borders but I liked the paper texture so much that I decided to have the border be an attribute determined by the hash as well.
There are 2 major schools of thought within Quantum Theory.
The Copenhagen interpretation: The single world interpretation. In the act of measurement, it is postulated, that the wave function of a system can change suddenly and discontinuously. Before a measurement, a wave function involves the various probabilities for the different potential outcomes of that measurement. But when the apparatus registers one of those outcomes, no traces of the others linger.
The Everett Interpretation: The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real and that there is no wave function collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe.
• Copenhagen (with Border) x >= 2
• Everett (No Border) x = <2
Waveform Collapse #194 : Boundary: Copenhagen
Waveform Collapse #010 : Boundary: Everett