Waveform Collapse • Quantum Variant • 256 NFTs • Sold Out
• Explore Behind the System of Waveform Collapse
• Token Gated link to Purchase Signed Prints
Waveform Collapse is a generative art collection, inspired by the Quantum Mechanics* concept that the universe collapses into reality by our act of observing (minting) it.
Quantum mechanics (physics) is a realm of science that explores the understanding of our universe at the subatomic scale. At this scale behaviors of particles behave in unfamiliar ways, not the least of which, are seemingly affected by the act of observation. This is, in part, where I drew my inspiration for the Waveform Collapse series.
The art in this collection is generated using an semiautonomous system that uses the collector's unique transaction Hash after they mint an NFT. Every transaction - like an observation - collapses the waveform system into a unique artwork.
I’ve created an interlinked complex generative system, built using After Effects, expressions, and javascript with five connected files, and multiple procedural noise patterns, with the capability to use the variables that come from the Hash numbers to generate each piece of unique art.
Meta Data:
System Displacement
Block Entanglement
Wave Disturbance
Probability Model
Signed Print**
• Powered by NiftyKit • Erc721A • .04 Ξ • Sold Out • 10% Royalty •
Metadate for Signed Prints will be adjusted as ordered
Link to Secondary Martket Here
Link to this Collection on Etherscan
Contract address: 0x2B7A211C9cCb6AbDB192f3Eb041c5f687889c8a1

*A little Quantum-Mechanics short history. Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. In quantum mechanics, light operates as both a wave and a particle at the same time (wave-particle duality). The 2 major theories about the wave-particle duality.
The Everett Interpretation: The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real and that there is no wave function collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe.
The Copenhagen interpretation: The single world interpretation. In the act of measurement, it is postulated, that the wave function of a system can change suddenly and discontinuously. Before a measurement, a wave function involves the various probabilities for the different potential outcomes of that measurement. But when the apparatus registers one of those outcomes, no traces of the others linger. Einstein's view is that physics should look for 'existing objects', making itself an ontic theory.
**Signed Prints will be available for an additional purchase. Size and cost to be determined. Signed prints can only be claim once and will be tracked via dynamic metadata on the NFT for up to 1 year after prints are available.